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A Sacrifice of Praise: Divine Liturgy Recording in 1st Mode

We are currently in edit for our new recording project of the hymnal “A Sacrifice of Praise”. God willing, soon the recording will be released for purchase and the pre-orders will be sent out immediately. Thank you so much for your support of this project!

A Sacrifice of Praise: The Hymnal Set

"A Sacrifice of Praise" is a series of bilingual musical settings of the entire Divine Liturgy in Byzantine chant, available in both Byzantine and Western staff notation, that can be utilized by chanters, choirs, and congregants alike. The Greek musical settings are drawn from renowned composers of the Ecumenical Patriarchate such as Petros the Peloponnesian, Gregorios Protopsaltis, and others, while the English scores utilize the official translation of the Divine Liturgy published by our Archdiocese and set to music by a number of well-known composers such as Nicholas Roumas, Samuel Herron, Phillip Phares, and others. As Byzantine Chant continues to flourish in the United States, this project will prove to be of inestimable value in helping Church musicians to offer the “sacrifice of praise” in both Greek and English.

Recording of the Divine Liturgy in the First Mode

The Dynamis Byzantine Ensemble will be recording the First Mode Hymnal from the set. The subsequent album will serve as both a didactic model for the First Mode Hymnal as well as a traditional model for singing Byzantine Music in the English Language.


For Purchase!

‘The Mystic Pascha’ - The first book from Dynamis containing translations and settings for Pascha and the Feast of Saint George the Trophy-bearer

Albums Available for Purchase:

A Journey through Lent to Holy Week


The Hymns of Saint George and Bright Monday


Photos from the Recording Session in July 2018

About the Album

Learn about the process of recording the album

About the Choir

A bit about the Dynamis Byzantine Ensemble